From WikiTemp, the GBAtemp wiki
The History Of CannonFoddr
- I joined 23rd September 2006 under the name of 'kermitfrog' - just to ask a PC question
- Changed name sometime around March 2009 to 'CannonFoddr'
- (but really wanted 'CannonFodder' but it was already taken) to match my online gaming name
- Been a regular visitor to GBATemp ever since - usually looking @ posts to see if I can help anyone with their problems
- I've dabbled in various areas of Computer 'skills' such as Graphics & Programming, but being 'self taught' not really considered myself an 'Expert' or even an 'Amateur'
Gaming History
- In terms of games, I generally like First-person shooters, Platform and Puzzlers.
Consoles I've owed
- Sega Megadrive
- Wii
- Sega Gamegear (with TV adaptor)
- GameCube
- Gameboy
- Gameboy Pocket
- Gameboy Advance
- Nintendo DS Lite
- Nintendo DSi
- Flashcards
- G6 (Slot-2)
- M3 Simply
- N5 Revolution
- Acekard 2i
- M3i0
Currently using: Acekard 2i with AKAIO autobooting Moonshell2 (with Commercial ROM running 'fix') on a DSi
Computer's that I've owned
- Sinclair Spectrum/+/128 (+ Microdrive)
- Atari 520ST
- Gateway 2000 4DX2-66 Family PC
- Self Built Pentium PC (update as & when money permitted)
Current own PCSpecialist 'Custom built' Intel PC
Favorite Game(s)
- PC: HalfLife 1/2 (all Episodes), Team Fortress 2
- Wii: Zelda:Twilight Princess, Shadow the Hedgehog
- DS: Puzzler World, Sonic & Sega Racing, Bookworm
- (Flashcard Favorite's: Moonshell2 & AKAIO)