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Revision as of 18:51, 2 January 2008

The Birth

BoneMonkey's avatar

International BoneMonkey Day was created on January 1, 2008 at 11:36 PM by BoneMonkey declaring January 2nd as International BoneMonkey Day.

The birth topic


Take BoneMonkey's avatar and edit it in a funny way and wear it on January 2nd.

Q and A

Q: This day is not recognized nor observed by my county, city, employer, or religion.

A: This holiday is up there with Christmas and is celebrated by tens of people all over the world !


These are the examples provided by BoneMonkey.

Bm example1.gif Bm example2.jpg Bm example3.gif Bm example4.gif


Bm1.gif Bm2.gif Bm3.gif Bm4.gif Bm5.png File:Bm6.jpg Bm7.jpg Bm8.png Bm9.png Bm10.jpg Bm11.png Bm12.gif Bm13.png Bm14.png Bm15.png Bm16.png Bm17.png Bm18.png Bm19.png Bm20.png Bm21.jpg Bm22.png Bm23.gif Bm24.gif Bm25.png Bm26.jpg Bm27.gif Bm28.gif Bm29.gif Bm30.png Bm31.png Bm32.png Bm33.jpg Bm34.gif Bm35.gif Bm36.jpg