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Revision as of 19:58, 3 August 2015 by Jurassicplayer (talk | contribs)

AT3+ Header Format

(*) Postulation

(**) Starting from the end of the offset.

Offset Name Bits Type Semantics
0x0 magic 32 ASCII "RIFF" magic
0x4 at3_size 32 le int Total size of AT3 data**
0x8 magic 32 ASCII "WAVE" magic
0xC magic 32 ASCII "fmt " magic
0x10 wave_size 32 le int Total size of wave format data**
0x14 format_type 16 le int Type of format starting from FFFF going down (PCM is normally 1, so removing 1 from FFFF le = FEFF*)
0x16 channel_num 16 le int Number of channels - 2 byte interger
0x18 sample_rate 32 le int Sample Rate aka the number of samples per second. Common value is 44100
0x1C unk1_bitrate 32 le int It is bitrate specific.*
0x20 frame_size 32 le int The frame size of the corresponding bitrate. (bits per channel * number of channels)
0x24 unk1 216 le int Unknown static hex (22 00 00 08 03 00 00 00 BF AA 23 E9 58 CB 71 44 A1 19 FF FA 01 E4 CE 62 01 00 28)*
0x3F unk3_bitrate 8 le int It is bitrate specific.*
0x40 padding 64 - 00 padding - 8 bytes
0x48 magic 32 ASCII "fact" magic
0x4C fact_size 32 le int Total size of fact data**
0x50 duration_ts 32 le int The duration of the song in seconds accurate to microseconds multiplied by the sample rate (Song_duration(sec)*Sample_rate --> ex. 22.854014(s) * 44100 = duration_ts)
0x54 unk_fact_01 32 le int It is song specific (sample size?)*
0x58 magic 32 ASCII "smpl" magic
0x5C smpl_size 32 le int Total size of smpl data**
0x60 unk_smpl_01 352 le int Unknown static hex (00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 94 58 00 00 3C 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 18 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00)*
0x8C unk_smpl_02 32 le int Start point of smpl loop.* Same as unk_fact_01
0x90 unk_smpl_03 32 le int End point of smpl loop.* (duration_ts + (unk_fact_01 - 1))
0x94 padding 64 - 00 padding - 8 bytes
0x9C magic 32 ASCII "data" magic
0xA0 data_size 32 le int Total size of data**
0xA4 music_data - - Presumably music data?*

AT3 Bitrate Values (Information gathered only by experimenting on an AT3 with 2 Channels and a Sampling rate of 44100Hz)

Bit-rate 4 bytes le-int@0x1C frame_size 1 byte int@0x3F Special Note
48 kbps 0x0000178D 0x00000118 (280) 0x22 None
64 kbps 0x00001FA0 0x00000178 (376) 0x2E None
66 kbps 0x0000204D 0x000000C0 0x?? Has a Special Header (Invalid AT3+ bitrate)
96 kbps 0x00002F1B 0x00000230 (560) 0x45 None
105 kbps 0x00003324 0x00000130 0x?? Has a Special Header (Invalid AT3+ bitrate)
128 kbps 0x0000953E 0x000002E8 (744) 0x5C None
132 kbps 0x0000409A 0x00000180 0x?? Has a Special Header (Invalid AT3+ bitrate)
160 kbps 0x00004EBB 0x000003A8 (936) 0x74 None
192 kbps 0x00005E35 0x00000460 (1120) 0x8B None
256 kbps 0x00007D29 0x000005D0 (1488) 0xB9 None
320 kbps 0x00009CCA 0x00000748 (1864) 0xE8 None
352 kbps 0x0000AC44 0x00000800 (2048) 0xFF None