haflore is a dæmonic wight which has been a member of GBAtemp since December 4th, 2009. He has left GBAtemp twice in the past for personal reasons. First during most of Autumn 2010, and again from June 10th 2011-July 10th 2011.
No one is certain of exactly why haflore is here, but just months after his arrival, large amounts of uneducated and belligerent people, known as pokenoobs, started to show up, leading some to believe that haflore was involved. Others however, think haflore came to help fight the flood of pokenoobs he knew would arrive. That particular rumour has been disproved several times. Whatever his intent, haflore has proven that he is worthy of being called a temper.
History as a member
haflore originally joined to give thanks, but soon became an active member of the community. In his earliest days, haflore made his presence known across several parts of the forum, including the Edge of the Forum and DS Game Discussion subforum. During this time, he also requested the Prinny avatar( shown above) for which he became known. Even though he changed personae several times since then, many still think of him as the GBAtemp Prinny. On August 14, 2011, he stated, "Sometime in September I'll return to my original Prinny form."
After reaching 500 posts in February of 2010 he became reclusive, almost not posting at all.
Owned Consoles
- PC(underpowered)
- Microsoft XBox 360(currently not working)
- Sony PlayStation 2
- Nintendo Game Boy Advance SP
- Nintendo DS Lite
He will forever be GBAtemp's prinny.