Mars, formerly known as marz93, is a student in 9th grade.
He has a various hobbies, namely sports (primarily basketball), and gaming. Mars is an avid gamer.
"Mars" derived from the name "Omar".
Gaming Consoles
Mars does not own many consoles currently. His collection includes:
-DS Lite -Playstation 2 -Gameboy Color -Gameboy Advance.
However, he is planning on purchasing either a Wii or 360.
Out of all consoles, he considers the DS his favorite as there are a number of titles that interest him.
Favorite DS Titles
-Mario Kart
-New Super Mario Bros.
-Elite Beat Agents
-Phoenix Wright Series
-Contra 4
-Geometry Wars: Galaxies
-Worms 2: Open Warfare
-Clubhouse Games/42 All-time Classics
Favorite Video Game Series
Ratchet and Clank is Mars' favorite video game series. He boasts this in his signatures and avatars, as he usually displays a picture
of a character from this series.