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Supercard DSTwo Flashcard

Supercard DStwo - ds2skin packs


A '.ds2skin' pack is a multiskin package for the DStwo flashcard - developed by Stormwave

Each skins pack could contain a selection of graphics for each of the following 'Skins'
plugin - this 'skin' is the one you first see once you have selected the flashcard from the DS/DSi menu
eos - this 'skin' is the one you'll see once you selected to run a NDS game
Loading - this is actually just a single screen that you see when you start up a NDS game etc
NDS-GBA: this 'skin' is the one you see when you run the GBA emulator
NDS-SFC: Similar to the GBA 'skin' but for the SNES emulator
iReader: When using the 'iReader' application - this is the skin you would see
RTM (or Real-Time-Menu): This one is the screen you see when you use the DSTwo 'Real Time Save' option

By using either his PC program or the DSTwo plugin homebrew (avaliable here), by selecting one of the packs (shown below)
the program will install all the 'skins' within it into the appropriate folders on the SD card

This Wiki contains a selection of 'ds2skin' files, of which most can be found @ this post
Name Author .ds2skin plugin eos Loading NDS-GBA NDS-SNES RTMenu

Template:Ds2skin table Template:Ds2skin table Template:Ds2skin table