Dark Aura
dark_aura lives over there. Right now, he is in high school, and does not want to reveal what age or grade he is in. All he wants to tell you is that he is Canadian. He came across GBAtemp when looking up what to do with his R4. Since then, he has been an avid member. He originally registered as dark_aura12, then dropped the 12 due to his own personal reason. Go to his GBAtemp profile here.
Consoles and Handhelds
Please don't laugh at the number of systems he has.
NDSL white (currently playing), PS2 (unmodded), PSP (want to mod), PS1 (no idea where it is), Gamecube (sold), GBA SP (unmodded), NDS Phat (sold)
Sad, only the NDSL can be qualified as modded.
Personal Interests
As of right now, dark_aura enjoys not only video games, but also swims and goes skiing in the winter. Plus, goes on GBAtemp. Of course.
Favourite Games
dark_aura's fave games list always changes, but overall prefers fighters and racing. Right now this is what he is playing.
Bleach 2 (DS), Jump Ultimate Stars (DS), NFS Most Wanted (PS2), NFS Carbon (PS2)