From WikiTemp, the GBAtemp wiki
Revision as of 04:17, 14 December 2008 by WB3000 (talk | contribs) (Might be final draft)


About WB3000

WB3000 is a 16 year old male from the United States. He is one of the 45,919 Wiki members at GBAtemp, and visits the site frequently. When not doing school stuff, he can be found learning (wasting time) on the world wide web, or practicing his trumpet, or both at the same time.


WB3000 usually resists posting nonsense threads or replies, saving his energy for more important topics. Here are some of the more notable threads he has created:

Video Game Stuff

Generally avoiding piracy due to moral beliefs, WB3000 has collected a decent list of video game and technology items.


Despite his first console being the Nintendo 64, WB3000 has managed to obtain each major Nintendo console, as well as several others.

  • Nintendo NES
  • Super Nintendo
  • Nintendo 64
  • Nintendo Gamecube
  • Nintendo Wii
  • Playstation
  • Playstation 2


Not limited to gaming at home, WB3000 has collected a few handheld gaming devices as well. All of these are Nintendo branded.

  • Gameboy Advance
  • Gameboy Advance SP
  • Gameboy Micro
  • Nintendo DS - Original
  • Nintendo DS Lite (x2)

Other Notable Stuff

  • 1 decent HP Pavilion desktop PC
    • 2GB RAM
    • Windows 7 Build 6801
    • AMD Athlon X2
  • DS-Xtreme (Broken)
  • Supercard DS-ONE (SDHC)
  • Palm Lifedrive

Software Development

Despite being a self-taught amateur developer, WB3000 has created some pretty useful (and a couple pure fail) programs. Discovering the usefulness of computer coding from Microsoft Visual Basic .NET, he soon began releasing small programs online. While an active member at the DS-Xtreme forums, WB3000 released his first public program for the device, known as DSxINF. While it was his first time dealing with a software release, it managed to go relatively smoothly, and the software did alright. Too bad the flashcart didn't.

After realizing that Visual Basic is a bit too cute and cuddly, WB3000 decided to take an afternoon and learn a similar language, C#. It was an easy conversion due to the close ties with the .NET Framework that each has. Despite wishing to move onto a more widely accessible language, WB3000 has continued to develop most of his work in C#.


During the switch between Visual Basic and C#, WB3000 sought to create an application superior to the original dslazy. While bearing a similar interface at first, dsbuff has grown far more than dslazy ever did, and now features many enhanced capabilities as a ROM modification utility.

For more information on dsbuff, check out the official page!


On occasion, WB3000 has participated in the competitions held at GBAtemp. He enjoys the artistic and writing competitions, though will gladly partake in the more creative ones.

During this year's Tempmas contests, WB3000 has entered a few of the daily competitions. While not obtaining a prize yet, he will continue to try his best to win, just as he has with the following entries:

Fun Facts

  • WB3000 joined GBAtemp on April 4th, 2007.
  • He can be contacted on AIM as whatthe0o.
  • First joined GBAtemp when the DS-Xtreme forums got a bit deserted.
  • WB3000 wishes all the GBAtempers out there a Merry Tempmas!

External Links