From WikiTemp, the GBAtemp wiki
(Template for ini files, will need a whole lot more comments and explanations)
(No difference)

Revision as of 10:17, 19 July 2016

; Please trim out lines you don't use if you are going to use this to post back on the list
;BackupType 0 Auto 1 SRAM 2 Flash 3 EEPROM
BackupType = 3
;BackupSize  2048 16K 4K 512
BackupSize = 512
;RetraceByVsync = bool, vsync on/off
;CmpBlockAdvFlag = bool, not sure
;RamSize = hex value, total ram size for example 0x400000 forces expansion ram off
;AIIntPerFrame = bool, not sure
;UseTimer = bool, guessing limiting emulation speed?
;AIUseTimer = bool, not sure
;Rumble = bool
;MemPak = bool, test carefully can be buggy and crash)
MemPak = 0

;TicksPerFrame = 781250

; Sound filters of some kind ?
;BufFull = 0x3800 
;BufHalf = 0x2800
;BufHave = 0x1000

; excerpt Mario golf , not sure how these work
; on every X tick do .... ?
;noa bts 365
;Hack0 = 581250
;bts 1843
;Hack1 = 581250
;Hack2 = 481250

;StickModify = 2
;StickLimit = 90

; Basically action replay type editing, to disable additional copy protection etc
;Cheat0 = bool on/of
;Cheat0_Addr = 0x80123456
;Cheat0_Value = 0xff
;Cheat0_Bytes = 1

; Biohazard 2 JP excerpt , guessing copying of data to different memory address ?
; Mariogolf uses it too
;Count = counter
;Address0 = 0x80123456
;Inst0 = 0x8C123456
;Type0 = bool, no clue

; Pokemon Snap
;Count = counter
;Type0 = bool, no clue
;Address0 = 0x80123456
;Inst0 = 0x0C123456
;Value0 = 7

; on the fly rom patching
; Used extensively in pokemon snap
;Count = counter
;Address0 = 0xe1234
;Type0 = bool ?
;Value0 = 0x00 if more then one byte, define a{bytes}: and define with space separation, see pokemon snap for advanced use

;FlushMemEachTask = bool
;CopyDepthBuffer = bool
;bForce720P = bool
;NeedPreParse = bool, seems to fix stutter/graphical glitches

; edit textures ?
;Count = counter
;TextureAddress0 = 0xffffffff
;SumPixel0 = 0x9953ABF8
;Data2_0 = 0x4000000
;Data3_0 = 0x20000
;AlphaTest0 = 250
;MagFilter0 = 0

;Count = counter
;Type0 = bool
;Address0 = 0x80041B3C
;Inst0 = 0x24A50A00
;JmpPC0 = 0x80041AE0