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DScraft is a Minecraft clone Homebrew for the Nintendo DS developed by Smealum.


Official topic on GBAtemp

Official website


See official website.

Known bug

Title screen

  • [v200811] On game launch, there are garbages lines on bottom screen until the title screen appear. (same when exiting game to title menu with Start)
  • [v200811] Both screen have an odd refresh rate (it looks like it's blinking continuously with different brightness (scintillement)). No problem ingame, only on title screen.
  • [v200811] On texture pack selection screen, when using the scroll bar the top and bottom screen are merged/swapped (like 10 lines at the top of each screen).
  • [v200811] when loading a texture pack, either the bottom screen is printed in the top screen, either the top printed in the bottom screen (when it's freezing until it's loaded), then all is back to normal.

In game

  • [v200811] in inventory : dragging a bloc to bottom line works fine (it swap textures correctly), but moving a block to another place holder is buggy. First time it swap, second time if you want to swap the newly moved block again back to it's place then it doesn't work, it's using the old block not the new one, and place two texture in the same place. always grab the bottomless texture.
How to reproduce
Try with the water bucket to see easily the problem, as it doesn't match the bottom pattern.
1 - swap water to inventory (work)
2 - swap water (in inventory) with adjacent block (work)
3 - re-move the water back to its old adjacent place : both are in the same place. (The water is really not invisible in the empty case, as you can't grab the empty case)
4 - try re-swapping the water to the empty place : it grabs the lower sprite instead
5- swap water back to usable panel at the bottom : two item again. if you select it, it's placing lower sprite block on the map.
  • [v200811] still in inventory mode : the square mark sometime is not centered on block area, and doesn't always follow the selected block. it reset only when selecting a block in the bottom line.
  • [v200811] In fly mode, left/right acts like touchscreen, you can't strafe anymore.
  • [v200811] it's hard to move out of water. the player stay at the level of the last bloc, not at the top of it.