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Mac OS X

Make a directory "~/.wii" and create a file within called root-key

   mkdir ~/.wii
   dd if=/dev/zero of=~/.wii/root-key count=1 bs=516

Copy the common-key to the "~/.wii" directory

   cp common-key ~/.wii

Change extractpartition to a runable command

   chmod u=x extractpartition

Then run extractpartition

   ./extractpartition inputfile.iso output.iso


Download the extractpartion to your home directory. Create an arbitrary file of exactly 516 byte (done with dd) and name it root-key. Then create a directory in your home folder called ".wii". The created file has to be moved into this directory with the common-key file.

   ./extractpartition inputfile.iso output.iso

Courtesy of searchforglory


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