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Not to be confused with Member Ranks.
Member Groups
 Administrators  AdministratorsSupervisors
 Moderators  Global ModeratorsModerators
 Magazine Staff  Chief EditorReportersContributors
 Other Staff  Former IRC Staff
Podcast Crew
 Members  MembersNewcomersValidatingContent Managers
 Infractions  SuspendedBanned!Blacklisted Traders
 Other  Guests

These are the various groups you may find on the Forums. Some groups (Admins, Moderators and Magazine Staff) are "stacked" upon eachother, meaning that the higher group has all of the abilities the lower group has.



Administrators are groups that have access to the Administration Control Panel. From this panel, they can manage most of the site's configurations. These groups are mainly responsible for making big site-wide decisions and maintaining the site in general.


(Stacked on Supervisors)
The Administrators are the owners of GBAtemp (and the other GBAtemp network sites), its servers, and everything else related to it. They make the biggest decisions and do technical work (server administration, domain management, design, coding...).


(Stacked on Global Moderators)
As the name implies, the members of the Supervisors group will supervise the other staff members (except Administrators). They have limited access to the AdminCP, and mostly perform simple administrative tasks, like changing usernames, banning users, etc. They also act as Global Moderators on the forums. If a user has a problem with another staff member, they should contact a supervisor.


Moderators are special users who have been granted additional power on the GBAtemp forums in order to clean up spam and to moderate discussion. They have to ability to edit and remove all posts in the subforums they are assigned to. They can also move, merge or split topics and promote the "best" topics to stickies. Besides that, they also have access to the Report Center, where all reports made by members go.

Global Moderators

(Stacked on Moderators)
Global Moderators are able to use moderating abilities on all subforums (that they can view). They also have some other additional rights over Moderators. Global Moderators are generally more experienced than normal Moderators, and help them out if needed.


(Stacked on Reporters)
Moderators have limited moderating abilities in the forums assigned to them by an Administrator. People who are new to the staff will initially be placed in this group so they can learn how to use their new abilities. After a while, they will be evaluated by the senior staff and either promoted to Global Moderators, where they have full moderating rights, or demoted back to a regular member.

Content Staff

The Content Staff specializes in providing unique content on the web site. They are divided in Reviewers and News Reporters, who both provide their own content independently. All of the content is posted directly to the GBAtemp home page. While these groups have limited moderating abilities on the forums, this is only to help them with their task. They normally do not moderate the forums.

Chief Editor

The head of the content staff. The Chief Editor is in charge of all editorial content, such as front page news posts and reviews. They have final say over what gets posted on the front page. This rank is at the same level as Supervisors and Administrators.


The Reporters are a special group of people who are allowed to post news directly to the front page. They share a private forum with the rest of the staff, but do not have access to the main Staff Forum. They can moderate all forums from the GBAtemp Magazine section, but do not handle reports from this section (as they do not have access to the Report Center).


The same as reporters, only in a slightly more limited way. Basically a test phase before landing in the Reporters group.

Other Staff

Former Staff

Main Article: Former Staff members.

The Former Staffers are members who used to be active Staff Members. For different reasons, they became inactive and were thus moved into this group. They still have access to the main Staff Forum, and can have moderating (or even administrating) powers, but are free of any responsibility. IRC Staff

Main Article: IRC Staff members.

The members of the #GBAtemp IRC Staff are people who have Operator rights in the channel on the GBAtemp IRC network, but do not have any other Staff rights on the Forum.

Podcast Crew

The Podcast Crew is responsible for creating the GBAtemp podcast (called Tempcast). They have the ability to create thread for the front page to promote their work.




The people in the group called Members are those who have posted at least 100 messages on the forums.
This group has some special rights over the Newcomers: they can access and use the Trading Forum and Shoutbox, get a bigger PM box, and can sign up to more competitions.


The Newcomers are people who have posted less than 100 messages on the forums. They will remain in this group until 100 posts are reached, regardless of how long they have been on the forum. (Note: An Administrator can change the group manually on occasions)
They are not allowed to use the Trading Forum, unlike the Members.


The Validating member group is made of people who have registered, but haven't validated their account.
When you register on GBAtemp, an e-mail is automatically sent to your e-mail address to make sure that the e-mail address you've entered is valid and belongs to you. If you do not receive the e-mail, then you cannot validate your account and you then stay in the Validating member group (Note: An Administrator can manually validate members if needed). Like the Guests, this group has very few rights.

Content Managers

Content Managers are people who help the GBAtemp staff by maintaining the topics and posts on the forums. They have limited moderating abilities, like pinning topics, editing topic titles, editing posts, ... They can not manage reports and are not considered part of the Staff. They cannot access the staff forums.



When you are Suspended, you are no longer allowed to post on the forums, and do not have access to some forums.
Members breaking the rules after several warnings are suspended. Suspensions are usually temporary, as bans are used instead of permanent suspensions.


You may be banned for several reasons:

  • If you keep breaking the rules after a temporary suspension.
  • If you spam the board
  • If you consider or commit ill-intended actions against GBAtemp or its members
  • By mistake! If you are unfortunately in the same IP range as a spam bot. In that case, contact one of the Administrators.
  • For mysterious reasons that the Staff wishes to keep confidential!

Keep this in mind: Having access to a forum is not a right, it is a privilege.

Blacklisted Traders

People in this group are members (>100 posts) that have misbehaved in the Trading Forum, and are now locked out of these forums. Members usually don't land in this group, they get banned instead.



Guests isn't a member group, it is actually the fact not to have any member group at all.
Simple visitors who are not logged in are considered as Guests. Since GBAtemp is a community, and values its members above all, the Guests are not authorized to post messages, and can't view some forums.