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Revision as of 00:46, 5 June 2011 by Sop (talk | contribs) (Bio)

Personal Life


I am Sop, known in real life as Daniel or Dan. I am a bit ' 'weird' ' and I have an obsession with fire.

School Life

I hate my school and my town. I am a troublemaker in class but I usually get B's and A's for assignments. I never listen in class and I am very shy. I hate my school because the people that go to it are idiots and the only gamers there are CodHeads. I'm particularly good in English, Science and Japenese although I fail when it comes to sport, I mean I can do sport but not when I'm under pressure by teachers or myself to get good grades. My favourite sport is Skateboarding although I like basketball, I started skateboarding when I was 10 and made quite a few friends because of that. Although at the moment I can't skateboard because I need some new shoes and bearings. I'm a very nice person although and I will not fight anyone for fear that I will hurt them. Oh and I also have an Italian heritage (mybe that explains why I love food so much) Er, I haven't got anything else to say so I guess It's.. ' ' 'Bio Time!!' ' '


' ' 'Age:' ' ' 12 ' ' 'Date of Birth:' ' ' 14th, January 1999 ' ' 'Occupation:' ' ' Evil Forum Troll ' ' 'Sexuality:' ' ' Er, Straight. ' ' 'Religious Views:' ' ' Atheist ' ' 'Email:' ' ' [email protected] ' ' 'Favourite Colors' ' ' Black, White, Grey, Blue

Favourite Websites



Gaming Consoles




My Flash Cards


Username Origin

Arrival at GBAtemp

Future at GBAtemp???


My Goals In life

Contact me