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Revision as of 14:04, 17 February 2010 by tj_cool (talk | contribs)

This page is about the .iso of The Conduit:


The CDGame.txt is a config file:

COLLISION 1     64  64  64  // No-Climb
COLLISION 2     0   88  0   // Grass
COLLISION 3     255 207 55  // Gravel
COLLISION 5     65  42  9   // Wood (Rough) - half of Wood (Polished)
COLLISION 6     130 83  18  // Wood (Polished)
COLLISION 7     25  97  216 // Stone
COLLISION 10    0   0   179 // Metal (Solid)
COLLISION 11    0   0   89  // Metal (Hollow) - half of Metal (Solid)
COLLISION 12    0   255 255 // Glass

TEX_OFFSET                  1
NAME                        NA              // Name of game
WAD                         99_99           // First WAD to read
LANGUAGE                    ENGLISH         // Territory or language
STRATDBGPATH                StratBin/       // Where the .SVM files are
PAL                         OFF
DEBUG_TEXT                  OFF             // Global enable/disable of debug info
DEBUG_MEMORY_INFO           OFF             //
DEBUG_WAD_INFO              OFF             // Display which wads are loaded
DEBUG_SCALEFORM             OFF             // Display debug output for scaleform
DEBUG_SCREENPRINTS          OFF             // Display strat "screenprint" output
DEBUG_PROFILE_LABELS        OFF             //
DEBUG_STRAT_PRINTS          OFF             // Display strat "print" output
DEBUG_ASSERT_MESSAGES       OFF             // Display strat "assert" output
DEBUG_SOUND                 OFF             // Extra sound debug 
DEBUG_CHEATS                OFF             // Are debug cheats on/off
DEBUG_FLY                   OFF             // Fly-through mode on/off
LEVEL_SELECT                OFF             // Level select on/off
DEMO_LEVEL_SELECT           OFF             // Only show * levels in level select
SOUND                       ON              // Sound on/off
HEAPSIZE                    18.5            // Size of game heap in MB
GEOMSTRATS                  0               // Number of geometry strats
PARTICLES0                  1024            // Number of particles
PARTICLES1                  1024            // Number of particles
PERFORMANCE_METRICS         0               // How much performance data to display, 0=none, 1=fps, 2=lots, 3=tons
SKIP_MOVIES                 OFF             // Whether to skip the front end into movies or not
SCREENPRINT_YPOS            -220            // ASL screenprint start y position
ASSERT_YPOS                 -100            // ASL assert start y position
REGION                      0
KEYCODE                     BA              // Region Code from Sony
PRODUCT_NUMBER              NA              // Product Code from Sony
PSP                         ON
DISABLE_PSP                 OFF             // PSP mode
SAVE_NAME                   NA
OFFER_MULTIPLAYER           ON              // Turn on multiplayer options//DMK
AUTO_HOST                   OFF             // ON=Automatically host a network game after booting.
AUTO_CONNECT                OFF             // ON=Automatically join a network game after booting.
AUTO_NAME                   NA              // Name of network game to host/join automatically.
AUTO_MONKEY                 OFF             // ON=automatically run the controller 
ASL_SERIALIZATION_LEVEL     0               // 0,1,2 Higher levels give more network debug info, but run slower.
ASL_SERIALIZATION_DEVICE    1               // Where to write network out-of-sync logs: 0=MemStick, 1=Host
USE_CLASSIC_CONTROLLER      OFF             // Ignore input from classic controller
ROLLING_LOG                 OFF             // ON=using rolling filenames, OFF=always use same log filename.
LEVEL_WALK                  OFF             // ON=run a level walk, OFF=don't (normal case)
HEAPSIZE                    32.0            // Size of game heap in MB
AUDIO_HEAP_SIZE             200000          // Size of Audio heap (not content, just data structures!)
DISPLAY_LIST_SIZE           65536           // Size of each dislay list (there's 2 display lists!)
UNMANAGED_HEAP_SIZE         2877504         // Allocations outsize of the Diesel/Scaleform/Quantum/Audio huaps
DIESEL_HEAP_SIZE            786432          // Diesel heap size
SCALEFORM_HEAP_SIZE         1572864         // Scaleform heap size
LOAD_TO_START_LEVEL         OFF             // Set to ON if you want to skip the UI and jump right into the level specified in START_LEVEL
START_LEVEL                 03_01           // A start level that works from start game (this is used only if LOAD_TO_START_LEVEL is set to ON)
SAVE_SYSTEM_ENABLED         ON              // Flag to enable/disable the save system on the application side.
USE_WII_NOSAVE_MESSAGE      ON              // Home Button Menu: ON=home_nosave.csv OFF(default)=home.csv
NICK_NAME                   NA
GAME_CHANNEL                35
GAME_BUILD                  4
ENGINE_VERSION	Tue May 26 14:03:20 -0500 2009
GAME_VERSION	Fri May 29 23:12:48 -0500 2009

The PAL version of this file compared with the NTSC one above only differs on two lines:

PAL                    OFF   ->   PAL                    ON
REGION                 0     ->   REGION                  1

Test results:


enables a cheat menu, which can be opened by pressing + and -


enables an extra multiplayer mode with the following content:

Connect to Anybody // Connects to WFC and then a game via internet on a test map (maybe level 70_00 NetzMultiplayerTest?), but when I played with two Wiis (to check if there is a working LAN mode) I just had to connect via internet but when the connection was established, I disconnected (internet) and we could play a few minutes (as before but without internet) before there was a lost connection error, so the Wiis were either connected directly or via my WLAN router (but NOT via internet)

Maybe there is a way to simulate the Wi-Fi Connection just to establish the connection, if that is possible, we could have a working LAN mode.

Fake session // If you start match, you get an error (lost connection) and you are in the main menu

Connect to LAN (dont use) // does not work

Friends //

Test Profanty //

Connect Stress Test //

Num Players // you can choose player number from 2 to 16

Search on channel // you can choose a channel from 0 to 35

So far I noticed no difference between DWC_RELEASE_AUTHENTICATION on or off (both tested and no difference).


Every line of this file is built like the following example:

 03_10	edfedermeyer	Level3_10	Tue May 26 15:03:49	-1560281088	-1560281088 

There is a .gcm/.gcs file named as the first number, e.g. 03_10.gcs,

Ed Federmeyer is the lead programmer,

Level3_10 is the description of the level which is in the .gcs, too.

The rest is unknown (maybe the last changed date, but -1560281088 ???).

.gcm/.gcs files

The .gcm and .gcs files contain much data (please add what exactly), but nobody was able to unpack them so far.

They begin (opened with text editor) with BGIB ... "level name" or <strat wad> ... edfedermeyer ... stuff like "-wii -quiet -disableerrors -nodefaultmaplights -noautomaticshadowreceivers -maxmodelsize 10.0 -maxedgelength 25.0" ...

Other things found:

RIFF headers


[weconduit 0.0] decompresses two compressed segments. dump01.bin is a map of pieces in dump00.bin.

.bik movies

This movies can be converted with RAD Video Tools.

.tpl files

This files contain just a few graphics, they can be converted with tplcnv.exe (a tool for GameCube textures) into .dds format, which can be read and edited by Gimp (with dds plugin), ... .


4 icons (maybe for saving)


1 banner (maybe for saving)


1 icon showing a crossed out homebutton

.arc files

They start with "55 AA 38 2D" (in hex editor) and can be unpacked with U8 tools (e.g. here:

These archives contain files with the following file formats:




.tpl // can be converted with TPL Editor 2.0

.midi // sound





Unpack the .gcm and .gcs files (this is the base for nearly everything else like changing sound and graphics)

Look for a working LAN mode