User:Tk saturn/USB GCT/CELL STYLE DEFAULT |Use 1.1 or above(1.0 has a bug with the time). Works 100% on 1.1 or higher. If your HDD goes to sleep, dialogs and such will take a while to load since it has to wake it back up. Will occasionally get "data is corrupted on all usb loaders". Just restart console and it'll be fine. Turn WiiConect24 OFF if you get freezes. / WiiConect24 works with old IOS36 rev9. Works 100% with WiiConnect24 on using CoverFloader (No Freezes whatsoever), and with rev14.
User:Tk saturn/USB GCT/CELL STYLE DEFAULT |Use 1.1 or above (1.0 has a bug with the time). / Turn WiiConnect24 OFF if you get freezes. / WiiConect24 works with old IOS36 rev9
User:Tk saturn/USB GCT/CELL STYLE DEFAULT |Works until about 20 mins in where during a split screen section, the bottom screen freezes while the top screen keeps working. Very strange bug.
User:Tk saturn/USB GCT/CELL STYLE DEFAULT | Works fine on IOS 223. The game crashes when you create a new profile from the usbloader (222 IOS). However it works great if you already have a savegame in your wii.