Gamerman1723's MKDS Tournament
From WikiTemp, the GBAtemp wiki
Mario Kart DS Tourney
Welcome to the official Gamerman1723's Mario Kart DS tournament! For details about the tournament (including the prizes), please go to the following topic:
IRC #MKDS_Tournament on IRCHighway ( [1]
The IRC server was changed from EFnet to IRCHighway due to issues with hosting the channel.
Just click on "MKDS_Tournament" if mIRC (or another IRC program) is installed
Good Luck! And please feel free to update this Wiki along with the topic.
Green | Red | Black |
Passed Round 1 | Did Not Pass Round 1 | Has Not Yet Participated |
GBAtemp Name | Friend Code | MK Username |
1381990 | 077414 544037 | extralife |
Arm73 | 077399 511410 | Arm73 |
azn_225 | 369439 251098 | SODA |
alfnim220 | 047351 855898 | FREDY |
blackhwk1214 | 481139 996223 | BLACKHAWK |
Dentaku | 266396 660244 | Dentaku |
Drkshadow | 386649 193906 | Colonel |
DN_Kira | 047305 164830 | LinkFairy |
flai | 412423 934116 | oliver |
Fulcaire | 395231 418710 | Fulcaire |
Gamerman1723 | 159003 161869 | Gamer17 |
Hyzera | 176200 514030 | Hyzera |
HDW | 339409 991618 | DarkWolf |
jgu1994 | 498321 356042 | reknew |
L_o_N_e_r | 326480 540614 | LoNeR |
phoood | 124658 712206 | phoood |
Jacob33301 | 395242 532632 | Jacob |
Jhongerkong | 378061 174476 | Hashi |
jaymz52 | 545561 902643 | JaYmZ |
JPH11200 | 425298 301163 | [JPH] |
luken27 | 382360 483460 | luken27 |
lewislite | 107479 546943 | Ackers |
Lee79 | 257804 503393 | Lee79 |
Mewgia | 287830 290855 | Mewgia |
machoman_93 | 296456 576490 | machoman_93 |
M3LV1N | 455374 956877 | CPU8 |
[M]artin | 025878 603183 | [M]artin |
ness31 | 073115 997250 | ness31 |
OSW | 150432 685503 | OSW |
paOol | 120359 088838 | paOol |
Pitoui | 524077 284876 | Pitoui |
Qwhacker | 429595 406352 | Qwhacker |
Reduxed | 107481 389813 | Reduxed |
rhyguy | 339409 070292 | Shuppet |
recover | 459668 586002 | recover |
SpikeyNDS | 167567 406390 | SpikeyNDS |
sidneyyoung | 395245 947242 | jacko |
Satangel | 309326 673413 | Satangel |
silverspn | 459659 563649 | silverspn |
soulchild | 347982 718621 | Ly Lo |
wabo | 502572 794643 | BillWabo |
Match 1:
1st: Arm73
1st: [M]artin
3rd: recover
4th: Silverspn
Match 2:
1st: Gamerman1723 (28)
1st: Reknew (28)
3rd: Jacob33301 (25)
4th: Blackhwk1214 (6)