How much do you love GBAtemp?
From WikiTemp, the GBAtemp wiki
The How much do you love GBAtemp? competition was started by Opium, on February 14th (Valentine's Day). It is a contest in which any member can submit their own answer to the simple question: How much do you love GBAtemp?
- Read the news topic
- Read the entries topic
Ordered by date of submission (not all entries are listed here! For an exhaustive list, please read the entries topic)
- mr_blonde_88's entry (image)
- sgadzookie80's entry (poem/image)
- juggernaut911's entry (poem)
- Jamesco's entry (poem)
- RAM's entry (image)
- monaug5's entry (image)
- Linkiboy's entry (image)
- skullstatue's entry (video)
- boogers_'s entry (image)
- Golds's entry (animation)
- Bullshirt's entry (image)
- XxDaSaMixX's entry (text+image)
- galaxykidgamma's entry (video)
- mthrnite's entry (text/image)
- grubbymitts's entry (short story)
- Omero's entry (text+image)
- stutte's entry (painting)
- OSW's entry (text+image)
- ediblebird's entry (image)
- Wanque's entry (poem)
- desh_thiere's entry (poem/prose)
- thegame07's entry (short story)
- dice's entry (image)
- pecet's entry (painting)
- LaGzoR's entry (ascii)
- Satangel's entry (image)
- saccorator's entry (image)
- xeorix's entry (image)
- rambozotheclown's entry (poem/image)
- cfk3's entry (image)
- 5uck3rpunch's entry (image)
- schaatsenmenno's entry (image)
- yee's entry (image)
- smid's entry (image)
- JayceMJ's entry (text+image)
- Mehdi's entry (song/video)
- GamerGuyDude's entry (poem)
- qwarts's entry (poem)
- vlaine's entry (text+image)
- sinkhead's entry (painting)
- uzima's entry (image)
- Gnet's entry (comic strip)