From WikiTemp, the GBAtemp wiki

Omero's entry for the How much do you love GBAtemp? competition.


As one of the 3 original founders of GBAtemp, I had to do something. As a fellow GBA and NDS proud owner and addict, I had to do something. As a sore whiner who doesn't even own a proper flash cart, not to mention an R4, I had to do something.

Sure I do love GBAtemp, back from the KiVan days where we were just 3 guys willing to have fun together and help people all over the world having fun as much as we were. That's where it all started you know.

But since I used to be admin here, since I still feel somehow as a 'staff member' I really didn't feel 'in place' making up a photoshopping, directing a cool youtube vid, writing down a poem, telling you a fairy tale about how much I love GBAtemp, or whatever.

That's your role guys, not mine.

BUT... I knew I still had to do something to help you out expressing yourself.

A photoshop tutorial? Hell no, I seriously suck at that. Actor in a youtubeIloveyagbatempvid? Hahahaha good one man. Being your muse while you write down a poem? Humm... that would work, but I think you would prefer a chick for that... or tits at least. tongue.gif

.... humm..... only fairy tales are left out... sowhat?... hum.... oh.... maybe... if... yes... YES! YES!!! YES I KNOW! NOW I KNOW!



Omeroentry.jpg PS. Yep, that's me guys, with a DIY 100% original fairy dress. Now you can write fairy tales. Ta-dah.